Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 1 of the rest of my LIFE

Today has started out unconventionally enough. I woke up at 7am. That never happens. I stayed in bed for a good 2 hours before I realized I wasn't going to be able to fall back asleep with my cat attacking my face every 12 seconds.
I made myself get up and be at least a little productive. I used my new $120 flat iron that I purchased for $40 yesterday from my place of employment that requires you to at least look decent during the work day.
I then made some hot water with my new stolen (from my mother, not from a store) coffee pot. I had intentions of drinking cranberry green tea with said water... Before accepting the fact that green tea tastes like ass hair and vomit. So I dumped it out and made some organic instant coffee that doesn't taste much better, but compliments my morning cigarette just a tad more.
Still having a good 2.5 hours before having to leave for work, I decided to check yahoo news - something I've never done ever.
The most interesting story?
Willie Nelson was charged with possession after they found 6 ounces of marijuana on his tour bus in Texas.
He's 77.
Can't he just smoke some pot and make music in peace?

I just had a lovely morning conversation with my roommate about possible ways to make money without technically being employed.
This seems like a good idea.
We don't take well to authority.
Nor schedules.
Anyone want their nails or hair done for $10-$15?
How about a weekly meal plan that can be afforded on a budget of $20?
Thats right.
I'm about to be -that- person.

So now I'm sitting here, smoking my second to last cigarette, wondering what the hell I'm going to do with my life in the next 2-4 years.
I'm in love with a musician who works at Hot Topic.
I double as a Sales Associate at Sally's Beauty, and a lethargic ChaCha guide who rarely answers questions.
I have experience in nearly every form of employment that doesn't require a college degree, or 100% attendance.
And all I really want to do with my life is be somebody else, and occasionally play some music.
I'm a manically depressed, generally anxious, fibromyalgic optimist who refuses to take the pills that are supposed to make me a brain-dead robot.
I wear ugly .50 cent sweaters from thrift stores, the same 3 pairs of pants, and my hair changes colour weekly.
I have problems with food and my body, and I'm ok with it.
I have an IQ of 146, I was one ASSIGNMENT away from getting my high school diploma, and I don't particularly feel the need to get my GED.
I'm a fan of my family, and of Jerry Lewis movies.
My vocabulary and general knowledge base are my best weapons, and I'm intimidated by anyway who has a bigger one than me.
I hate math.
I love science.
And pomegranates.
I'm the most reliable friend you could ever find when it comes to support.
I'm the most unreliable person you could ever find when it comes to being on time.
I'm still disappointed that I never received my Hogwarts letter.
I secretly wish I could be a sell-out and be happy with settling down, working a mediocre job, living a mediocre life for the rest of forever, but if that happened I would probably end up killing myself.
My only goals are to be sufficiently content with life in general, and to get the hell out of Ohio.

Hey, how you doing? I'm Styna, and I'm kind of fond of being honest.
You should give it a try sometime.
It's relieving.

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