Monday, November 29, 2010

decide what you don't want before you decide what you do want


Today, I spent an entire 6 hour shift organizing and cleaning the hairspray section of a store that only has 3 isles.
It was actually really nice.
Time went by so fast, and I felt productive.

I was also awake at 8am.
And ok with it.
I kind of like this whole getting up early, having coffee, and DOING SHIT kind of thing.
I cleaned out my van too, which hasn't happened in... uh... a while.

Picked up some furniture for my bedroom, which I'd be organizing right now if I didn't have to be up in about 5 hours.

My boyfriend was having some issues today.
Sometimes I forget how fortunate I am to not really give a damn what other people think.
Of course I care about my family and friends... but I believe each person's life is their own. We don't have enough time to worry about making other people happy. We have to enjoy our own lives, I mean... we all get one, right? Make the best of it. Don't let other people live vicariously through you because they're not satisfied with the choices they made, or because they think you should end up exactly like them.

I didn't go to college.
I don't plan to.
I work an average part-time job that gets me by in my medium-sized to bedroom apartment with fixed utilities, a really fat cat, and a kind of awesome roommate.
I don't plan on ever getting into management in a chain company, nor do I plan on working the same job at all for 30 years until I retire.
That'd be too boring.

But I'll be satisfied getting by and being content with spurts of spontaneous excitement that never really make much sense, nor coincide with anything else I've ever done in life.
It's entertaining, and makes life worth living.
Who wants to do the same thing everyday for the rest of forever?
Whats the point in that?
Hell no.
Road trip!
Even if it's just some town in Nebraska that nobody has ever heard of.
At least it is some place new.
New people.
New things.
New experiences.

Repetition is the devil, as I'm sure Bobby Bouche's mom would say.
I refuse to be another cookie, cut out from the same recipe as everyone else, heading through the same oven at the same temperatures, ending up on the same santa-shaped platter.

Fuck that.
I'm gonna be happy, dammit.

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